Posts Tagged ‘wedding’

Where to begin?

June 30, 2009

First off, many apologies for my blog absence. I’ve been rather busy with many new and exciting things which I am obviously going to dish about in detail of course, but first and foremost I want to say that I have been so scrap-deprived and am fully revved to get back into the game and start back up again. But before I can do that…let me catch you up on what’s been going on.

June was a busy busy busy month for lots of things. Our best friends got married, we went on a cruise for our 3rd honeymoon, my work as a personal assistant for Michelle Marchand picked back up again, I celebrated my 23rd birthday, we are in the process of closing down the family store (Congas Guayaberas), I became an auntie for the second time around (I love you, baby Edgard!) and we just started packing for our move to Wake Forest, NC.

This past month has been a roller-coaster ride, but I am excited to say that Lenny and I have seen many blessings in our lives through all of these events and we really can’t complain about anything that God has given us these past few weeks. Amidst the stress and overwhelming busyness we have managed to see that God has great things in store for us as we prepare for our move to North Carolina. 

With that said, I am more than anxious/excited/ecstatic/thrilled to get back into the world of scrapbooking. It has been too long since I’ve even said the word cardstock and I think I’m beginning to break out in hives from the lack of scrapbook material contact. Wish me luck as I charge back into my addiction and stay tuned for more exciting projects and ideas. 

Here are some pictures from “Our Best Friends Wedding” (photos by Byron Maldonado):